Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain can be debilitating, whether it impacts your ability to do activities around the house, pick up your children or lift a barbell over your head, a problematic shoulder is something you don’t want to ignore.

Shoulder pain is a common issue and one that is seen often by a chiropractor. Campbell has extensive experience treating shoulder injuries due to his working relationship with many CrossFit athletes. He also worked in corporate health for many years and regularly treated postural and repetitive strains of the shoulder.

Due to the complexity of the shoulder joint a focused history and examination is needed to determine an accurate diagnosis. The shoulder joint is not only the ball and socket joint at the top of the arm, it is a group of multiple joints and muscles that create a highly mobile system but also an inherently unstable one.

what are the common causes of shoulder pain?

  • Muscle and tendon strain: There are four rotator cuff muscles and tendons that stabilise the shoulder during movement. One or more of these structures can become injured during an acute injury like lifting or reaching, or with repetitive movements. The most likely cause is weakness or imbalance across the shoulder
  • Tendinopathy: The tendons that attach muscle into bone become irritated and inflamed with overuse.
  • Impingement: Poor movement control, timing, weakness, and endurance of rotator cuff muscles leads to shifting of the humerus (arm bone) to compress on tendons or bursa which can cause bursitis
  • Cervical spine and Thoracic spine referral: The joints, muscles and fascia of the neck and upper back can refer pain to the shoulder therefore it is important to assess the spine for dysfunction for all shoulder problems.

How is shoulder pain treated?

It’s important to find out which structures are most involved by conducting a series of special orthopaedic shoulder tests This diagnosis determines the type of treatment used, the long-term outlook and the types of exercises that will be prescribed.

  • Active Release Technique to improve restriction around the shoulder
  • Mobilisation
  • Manipulation or adjustment to the shoulder, other related joints, and the spine to improve joint awareness and motion.
  • Taping
  • Dry needling
  • postural retraining and rehabilitation exercises.

Reduce Pain and Inflammation

strengthen injured muscles

Releasing Pain on shoulder joints

increase range of motion and flexibility

promote healing in injured tissues

reduce workout recovery time


The shoulder is an extremely complex joint. Yes! you should absolutely see a chiropractor if you are experiencing any shoulder pain. If the pain is severe enough, we may also suggest that you get special imaging done or see another specialist or doctor.

The length of treatment will depend on the injury or the root cause of the pain. We always take a holistic approach and will attempt to use the right treatment options for you.

We use a number of methods to help us figure out and diagnose what may be causing pain in your shoulder. Sometimes, imaging of the area may be required, however we always look at the entire body to see what might be at play.


Our consultations are tailored to you.

Our appointments are based on your individual needs. We address your specific problems and our treatment plan is aligned with your goals and preferences. We utilise longer appointments to truly understand and treat your condition. 

We're experienced.

With over 10 years of clinical experience, we’ve seen people from all walks of life with all types of conditions. If you have a spine, musculo-skeletal or nervous system problem you should talk to us. We want to fix your problem so that you are pain free. 

We care.

At this clinic you will be treated with the utmost respect and courtesy. We follow up and communicate with your General Practitioner, allied health providers and coaches. We are determined to help get you well and keep you well.  

contact us

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