Scoliosis care

Scoliosis is the most common spinal deformity and is present in 2-3% of children aged 10-16 years old. Scoliosis is an ‘S’ shaped curve of the spine with rotation which can lift the ribs. Scoliosis has been studied for a long time and is still being fully understood however it is now thought of as being a dysfunction within the nervous system (brain and nerves).

There is a problem with the way the nervous system interprets and processes information from the muscles and joints and integrates them with the balance and orientation systems.

Most scoliosis curves are idiopathic. This means that there is no underlying serious cause for the scoliosis curve. Scoliosis is also most common in adolescent girls (aged 10 years or later). It is important to examine anyone with a scoliosis curve to rule out a serious underlying cause however.


Pain is often associated with the scoliosis deformity because force and load is unbalanced across the spine causing irritation to muscles, joints and discs.

What causes Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a disease influenced by multiple factors.

Possible causes of scoliosis are:
  • Genetics: Scoliosis is more common amongst families or relatives.
  • Neurological: dysfunction of the brain or spinal cord produces scoliosis. This dysfunction is most often not severe however assessment for a severe or sinister cause is very important to rule out.
  • Hormonal: Growth hormone and melatonin have been investigated and may be playing a role in the development of scoliosis
  • Growth imbalance: Different parts of the spine grow at different rates and may be asymmetrical due to uneven pressure from muscle pull or ligament or spinal cord becoming stuck or tethered during the growth process.

So it can be said that scoliosis is a genetic tendency to develop impairments in balance and postural control which causes the spine to become curved and twisted.

How can we help?

  • Rule out serious underlying causes of scoliosis.
  • Read, measure and monitor spinal x-rays to assess the rate of progression of scoliosis curve. The vast majority of scoliosis curves that present in the 10 years old and over age group do not become seriously progressive to the point where bracing or surgery is needed. However, it is important to track the progression of a curve if the patient is at risk of having a curve that will continue to get worse.


  • Treating the joints and muscles that are causing pain.
  • Influencing and improving the nervous system control of spinal
    muscles, posture and balance (sensorimotor control) based on any functional impairments we find.

The aim with these treatments is to possibly impact the rate at which the spinal curve will progress as well as improving spinal loading mechanics and therefore decreasing spinal pain.

Reduce or eliminate scoliosis pain

Improve scoliosis curvature

Improve severity of scoliosis


Symptoms may vary according to scoliosis severity, scoliosis curve size and location, as well as scoliosis progression. Patients with scoliosis often complain of back pain, stiffness or spasms in the muscles along their spine. Other symptoms include difficulty sleeping and ribcage deformity.

Scoliosis can only be diagnosed through an X-ray of the spine. A scoliosis patient will usually be referred to a specialist who will perform a physical examination and take x-rays for evaluation purposes. The specialist may also take an MRI scan if there are any concerns about neurological issues related to scoliosis.

Scoliosis improvement can take weeks, months, or even years depending on the scoliotic curve’s severity. However, with regular scoliosis chiropractic care, scoliosis curvature and scoliosis symptoms can be improved or completely relieved.


Our consultations are tailored to you.

Our appointments are based on your individual needs. We address your specific problems and our treatment plan is aligned with your goals and preferences. We utilise longer appointments to truly understand and treat your condition. 

We're experienced.

With over 10 years of clinical experience, we’ve seen people from all walks of life with all types of conditions. If you have a spine, musculo-skeletal or nervous system problem you should talk to us. We want to fix your problem so that you are pain free. 

We care.

At this clinic you will be treated with the utmost respect and courtesy. We follow up and communicate with your General Practitioner, allied health providers and coaches. We are determined to help get you well and keep you well.  

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