Hamstring strain
Hamstring injuries are regarded as highly frustrating because of their often-lengthy recovery times and high rate of re-injury. The biggest risk of hurting your hamstring is if you’ve had a history of prior injury.
A hamstring strain is an over stretch or pull of the hamstring muscle at the back of the thigh. A strain to the hamstring is one of the most common injuries in active people. Sports that require sprinting and kicking are most often associated with injury to the hamstring.
The most common site of injury is the muscle tendon junction of the biceps
femoris muscle. This injury is more common with sprinting.
The muscle that is more commonly injured with kicking or tackling in soccer for example is the semimembranosus muscle.
If you injure your hamstring it is important to have it diagnosed quickly and accurately because the earlier the diagnosis, the earlier you are likely to return to play. At Beyond better health we follow best practice guidelines for the management of hamstring injuries. We use muscle testing devices to measure your strength and other tests to determine the severity and the time required to recover.
It is our goal to figure out why the hamstring muscle became overwhelmed and injured. We know that mobility deficiencies, lumbar spine and pelvis dysfunctions and muscular asymmetry are potential risk factors for the hamstring to be overloaded.
Treatment is based on correcting these problems, maintaining trunk and hip strength and beginning rehabilitation exercises quickly.
This is the perfect example of where we need to improve you to a point far beyond what led to the injury occurring because we know that the rate of re-injury is so high. We help you become fitter and build capacity in your hamstring. A gradual approach to building intensity and conditioning is taken as to develop confidence and safety in the muscle.
How can Chiropractic CARE Help me?
Treatments include:
- Soft tissue therapy to
treat muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia. - Spinal and extremity joint adjusting/manipulation.
- Kinesio tape
- Dry needling
- Evidence based exercise prescription and
rehabilitation - Instrument assisted techniques, cupping and
electrical stimulation.
Reduce Inflammation
strengthen injured muscles
Release Pain at injury site
increase range of motion and flexibility
promote healing in injured tissues
reduce workout recovery time
Our consultations are tailored to you.
Our appointments are based on your individual needs. We address your specific problems and our treatment plan is aligned with your goals and preferences. We utilise longer appointments to truly understand and treat your condition.
We're experienced.
With over 10 years of clinical experience, we’ve seen people from all walks of life with all types of conditions. If you have a spine, musculo-skeletal or nervous system problem you should talk to us. We want to fix your problem so that you are pain free.
We care.
At this clinic you will be treated with the utmost respect and courtesy. We follow up and communicate with your General Practitioner, allied health providers and coaches. We are determined to help get you well and keep you well.