low back pain

Low back pain (LBP) is defined as pain, muscle tension, or stiffness located between the last ribs and the bottom of the glutes, with or without leg pain (sciatica).

Low back pain is very common and almost everyone will experience low back pain in their lifetime. Globally, low back pain is the leading cause of disability. There is an urgent need to decrease the burden of LBP and the impact it has on health and social systems. Low back pain is the number one reason for seeking chiropractic care.

Beyond Better Health follows the most up to date evidence-based clinical guidelines for the management of low back pain. Spinal manipulation for low back pain with or without sciatica follows national guideline recommendations.

What are three major causes of back pain?

There are several anatomical structures that can generate pain in the lumbar spine however these are most common:

  1. Disc
  2. Facet Joint
  3. Sacro-iliac joint

It’s important to find out which structure is most involved by conducting a series of thorough tests while considering stress and other lifestyle factors that can lead to pain and sensitivity. This diagnosis determines the type of treatment used and exercises prescribed.

After diagnosis, effective communication is a key component in achieving the best outcome when treating LBP. Campbell uses a neuroscience approach with meaningful words and concepts to explain the nature of lumbar spine injury and how treatment helps. Campbell gives information, advice and encouragement in an understandable and relatable way which gives patients the confidence they need to help manage their condition.

How do we treat low back pain?

For treatment, spinal manipulation is recommended. This is because manipulation of the spine and pelvis provides an analgesic effect by decreasing pain, relaxes and lengthens tightened muscles, eases spinal segment stiffness, and increases joint awareness and proprioception leading to improved muscle and postural control. Soft tissue therapy and mobilisation are also utilised in our skilled hands-on intervention.

Campbell also uses evidence-based exercise prescription to improve patient’s motion, strength and control. An exercise program that is tailored to the patient’s specific needs, preferences, and capabilities is given.

Reduce Pain and Inflammation

strengthen injured muscles

Release Pain on Nerves

increase range of motion and flexibility

promote healing in injured tissues

reduce workout recovery time


Our consultations are tailored to you.

Our appointments are based on your individual needs. We address your specific problems and our treatment plan is aligned with your goals and preferences. We utilise longer appointments to truly understand and treat your condition. 

We're experienced.

With over 10 years of clinical experience, we’ve seen people from all walks of life with all types of conditions. If you have a spine, musculo-skeletal or nervous system problem you should talk to us. We want to fix your problem so that you are pain free. 

We care.

At this clinic you will be treated with the utmost respect and courtesy. We follow up and communicate with your General Practitioner, allied health providers and coaches. We are determined to help get you well and keep you well.  

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